This is a breeding ground for a lot of unhappy females. Imagine yourself in this situation. How would you feel? Seventy percent of females in India experience domestic cruelty, and because of that, forty percent attempt suicide. Some of the girls and women we interviewed seem dead inside – they can’t afford emotion.
That’s the unpleasant reality today. Now for the hope and action: Free Schools began with one school in 2005 and now has 30 schools serving almost 1800 students in Bihar, India. There are 5 schools that focus just on tailoring. Because of the climate there (no winter), a school can be opened using donated space, often under tarps.
There are three unique characteristics of FSWL. First, costs can be kept very low because of local volunteer involvement. The second is the model. There are no infrastructure costs. No school buildings are constructed. Rather space is borrowed and the community is involved as much as possible. The third is that, when some of the older children graduate, they are trained to become teachers in their village, and they are paid.
What is happening now is that the villagers, seeing the value of education which they never understood before because the villagers have been illiterate for generations, are donating land, building space and labor to create their own schools.